Ergon Guitars @ NAMM 2019 – Boutique Guitar Showcase
The 2019 edition of NAMM is here, and with it a new Boutique Guitar Showcase. 43 unique instrument makers will share this especial exhibition, and we are honoured to be in such great and inspiring company. Come joins us at booth #4305, where you can see and listen to this year’s collection – LX Nazaré, Lisboa BP, Porto MS and Porto Douro.
Ergon Guitars featured on Premier Guitar
“When you sit down to talk with many guitar luthiers, the story of how they got into building is often uncannily similar: They fell in love with the sounds of some famous guitar god during their teen years and started playing not too long after that. Eventually they took their first foray into DIY by modding their own instrument, followed by a stab at replicating, say, a Tele, a Les Paul, or… Read More